Camera records the hidden objects

Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have released the first camera capable of recording objects obscured by obstacles.

A person hiding behind a wall or buried after an earthquake can be seen in the form of a 3D image thanks to this unique camera. First, the camera shoots extremely fast laser pulses into the wall behind the obscured object so that they reflect back toward the object. Some of the laser at the object will reflect the wall again before bouncing back on the sensors on the camera. The computer in the camera will then reproduce the 3D image of the object in the same form as the negative but accurate film to the centimeter.

Picture 1 of Camera records the hidden objects

Picture 2 of Camera records the hidden objects

The research team, Professor Ramesh Raska, hopes that when completed, the camera system will help the fast response forces such as firefighters search for victims in burning buildings, catch the criminals safely, or use it for car navigation systems.

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