Can the planet exist between the Milky Way core?

While the center of the Milky Way could be a "dead" area for the planet, the latest finding shows that the planet can still be pictured inside that harsh environment.

At the center of the Milky Way, the stars are crowded with each other, supernova explosions emitting horrific shock and radiation waves, not to mention the greedy 'monster' black hole All things glaze near. What a harsh environment for the planet to exist.

Picture 1 of Can the planet exist between the Milky Way core?
The planet can still imagine inside the environment
harsh in the center of the Milky Way - (Photo: CfA)

However, astronomers from the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (USA) argue that planets can still form in such turbulent conditions, according to

They came to this conclusion when they discovered a cloud of hydrogen and helium plunging into the center of the Milky Way, a cloud that, according to experts, is the remnant of a planetary disk rotating around a star. hide face.

'The star was thrown into the center of the black hole. It is currently enjoying a journey full of strong feelings that no celestial body has. While the star will survive the fiery encounter, its planetary disk will not be so fortunate, ' said lead researcher Ruth Murray-Clay.

That star may have originated from a spinning star around the center of the Milky Way, and these stars still maintain their position in the star ring, leading to the formation of planets despite the harsh environment. Surrounded.