Cars on water, ice, sand ...

A Chinese inventor has introduced astonishing car design: cars can travel on all terrains, from sand, ice, stone ... and the whole country.

>>> Video: Cars on water, ice, sand ...

This vehicle can reach all terrains at speeds up to 100km / h. It's like a spacecraft that can move constantly on every surface.

Picture 1 of Cars on water, ice, sand ...
Volkswagen Aqua runs on water. (Source: Daily Mail)

The 21-year-old designer Yuhan Zhang called the car Volkswagen Aqua - to participate in a competition sponsored by Volkswagen's German automaker.

Volkswagen Aqua consists of four fans and airbags mounted inside to help it fly off the surface.

Picture 2 of Cars on water, ice, sand ...
2 engines of hydrogen powered vehicles, not polluting the environment. (Source: Daily Mail)

It is also environmentally friendly because two hydrogen-powered engines do not emit carbon dioxide.

One of the two engines can exaggerate a 'skirt' around the car to lift the car off the ground, while the other engine keeps moving in the right direction.

"I hope one day Aqua will become a cheap supercar that many people buy ," Zhang said.