Cell phone air pollution test

Instead of using the phone to take pictures of friends, California residents in the United States use it to check air pollution levels at their workplace and home.

Picture 1 of Cell phone air pollution test
Air pollution. (Illustration)

This technology is done by creating simple circular filters that can absorb black soot into the air, where pollution levels need to be measured.

According to Livescience , people who want to measure the level of pollution just by using cell phones capture the image of the pollution that is recorded on the filter, sending an email or message to the central system and will receive feedback about it. degree of exposure of self.

Black soot, also known as black carbon, has a negative impact on climate change. It is derived from kitchen smoke and exhaust fumes of diesel engines, which can cause respiratory diseases and lung problems. It causes about 1.5 million deaths each year, the World Health Organization warns.

This program is implemented by the Nexleaf Analytics government organization. In the past, the organization has deployed a black filter derived from kitchen smoke in 500 households in India under the UN-sponsored Surya project. The project has been successful and replicated in 10,000 households.

The intent of Nexleaf is to choose the right technology solution for cheap phones that can be used. If Nexleaf receives funding, this program will be deployed in some locations in California such as bus stops, schools, amusement parks.