China intends to use laser to destroy cosmic garbage

A group of Chinese scientists came up with the idea of ​​shattering to clean up Earth's orbit.

Scientists at the China Air Force Technical University propose using giant lasers to destroy old satellites and other space junk to clean up Earth's orbit, Newsweek reported on January 15. The study presents how to turn cosmic garbage into smaller and less dangerous pieces using it.

Picture 1 of China intends to use laser to destroy cosmic garbage
Garbage space surrounded the Earth.(Photo: Irish News).

Cosmic garbage are artificial objects that are no longer used in space, including devices that are launched or left behind as boosters or satellites that are no longer active.

The debris travels at high speed on Earth's orbit every year more and more and is considered a serious threat to future space missions.

International space agencies have been struggling to find ways to handle cosmic garbage for years. NASA also considers many methods to monitor, detect and eliminate artificial waste. Some ideas for cleaning up small-scale space junk are using garbage collection nets or magnets to pull them out of Earth orbit.

The amount of cosmic waste is increasing every year.(Video: YouTube).

Chinese scientists try to control a simulated laser station and conclude, this will be an effective way to clean up Earth's orbit."The simulation provides the theoretical foundation needed for the deployment of a laser space station and applies to eliminate cosmic garbage with lasers," the team wrote.

China is one of the countries that contributes the most to creating cosmic garbage. A test conducted by the country in 2007 has created thousands of dangerous debris."Any one of these fragments poses a serious risk of disrupting or ending the mission that spacecraft are carrying out in the Earth's low orbit , " Nicholas Johnson, a research scientist in dance waste. pillar.