China: Touching the dog lying down on the grave

A dog in China was so loyal to his single boss that he did not leave him even after he died.

>>>Video: The faithful dog lies on his grave

Lao Pan, 68, has no wife and children and lives with his yellow fur brother in Panjiatun village, in Shandong province. But a few weeks ago he died.

When Mr. Pan's house was cleared, his sad dog also disappeared. Somehow, the dog found his way to Mr. Pan's grave and lay beside the grave for 7 days.

The villagers were deeply moved by the dog's loyalty. They brought food and drinking water for fear that the dog might starve to death. The dog only left the boss's grave for a moment but then returned immediately.

Picture 1 of China: Touching the dog lying down on the grave
The dog "stands guard" for his master's grave.

A villager who once brought a dog home said: 'I saw the dog walking in the field. I then called him and wanted to take him home, because I also had a dog. I feed him dumplings when he comes home to me. But the dog grabbed the cake and returned to the grave. The more I call it, the faster it goes towards the grave and stays there. ' The villagers are planning to build a dog with a cage next to his master's grave.

The story is reminiscent of the dog Hachiko in Japan, who also has an absolute loyalty to the owner.

In 1924, Hachiko was taken to Tokyo by boss Hidesaburō Ueno when he was a professor at the University of Tokyo's agricultural faculty.

During his time with his employer, Hachiko left him at the door of the house and at the end of the day he took him to the nearby Shibuya pier to pick him up. This practice continued until May 1925 when Professor Ueno did not return on the train every night.

Professor had a stroke at the university that day. He died and never returned to the station where his dear friend was waiting.

But Hachiko did not know that his owner was dead, he was still diligently returning to the station for more than 10 years, hoping to welcome the boss in the right position the last time he and his boss met.