Touched with the fasted dog on the grave

A loyal dog sits next to the master grave for 2 weeks without eating and drinking in South India.

>>>China: Touching the dog lying down on the grave

Bhaskar Shri - an 18-year-old construction worker in Chennai, southern India, met Tommy the dog 5 years ago and quickly considered it an inseparable friend. Unfortunately, more than two weeks ago, he suffered a traffic accident and died.

Daily Mail on August 28 said that after Bhaskar was buried, Tommy lay on the side of his grave in the heat of his daytime business and the cold night without food and water.

Finally, Dawn Williams - an animal lifeguard working for the Indian Green Cross nonprofit organization, rescued it.

Picture 1 of Touched with the fasted dog on the grave
Tommy lies on his grave with a poor look - (Photo: Indian Green Cross / Daily Mail)

She said: "One evening in early August, when I went out, I saw a brown dog sitting at a new grave, but I didn't think about it at the time. But on August 13, I went to the area. this time again for the rescue mission, I saw it again, when it was at the position where I first saw it, it seemed like it didn't move for weeks. "

'The dog seems confused, even seems to have tears when I approach it,' she recalls. "I can see it is in an abnormal state. He is hungry, thirsty and I definitely have tears in his eyes."

At that time, Williams took the water dog and biscuits, but he refused to go. Seeing that, she and the people in the group went to ask people in the area about the dog. They knew the dog was named Tommy, and he was watching his master.

Williams sought to meet Mrs. Shrimati Sundari, mother of Bhaskar Shri. The woman said that Tommy and her son were always together, even when Bhaskar went to work at the construction site. But after Bhaskar got into trouble, Tommy disappeared. She thought it had found a new owner in a new home.

Mrs. Shrimati Sundari then joined Williams to Tommy. When she saw her, the dog jumped on her grandmother, licked her and rested her head on her leg. Shrimati Sundari is equally happy, she calls Tommy a loyal friend and says she will keep it with her as a way to remember her son.

"I'm glad they were reunited. I'm sure Tommy will help Shrimati with the pain of losing his child , " Williams said.

Picture 2 of Touched with the fasted dog on the grave
The dog Tommy on the master's grave - (Photo: Indian Green Cross / Daily Mail)

Picture 3 of Touched with the fasted dog on the grave
Tommy skinny after days of not eating - (Photo: Indian Green Cross / Daily Mail)

Picture 4 of Touched with the fasted dog on the grave
Tommy looks very sad, and Williams insists she sees it teary - (Photo: Indian Green Cross / Daily Mail)