Decode the grave 'vampire' in Poland

Archaeologists have discovered the grave of cholera patients but were suspected of being vampires.

>>>Vampire remains appear in Poland

Picture 1 of Decode the grave 'vampire' in Poland

When scientists discovered ancient tombs in Poland that had corpses in graves with ancient necks and stones, they thought that these unfortunate people were suspected of vampires but previous research did not mention them. Real cause of death.

This time, a new finding shows the possibility that these people died of cholera but the villagers feared that they would rise from the afterlife with a deadly disease.

Picture 2 of Decode the grave 'vampire' in Poland

In the post-Middle Eastern Poland region, scientists discovered that six of the 60 tombs surveyed had a burial method that prevented the dead from resurrecting to become vampires. This method of burial often occurred in the 17th and 18th centuries where cholera spread in Eastern Europe.

In the new study published in the journal Plos One, US scientists at the University of South Alabama used a method to measure the radioisotope ratio of pronti enamel in archeology and compare it with the survey in Local animals to identify the above bodies are residents of this area.

Picture 3 of Decode the grave 'vampire' in Poland

Study co-author Dr. Lesley Gregoricka explains: 'The people of the middle ages did not understand how the disease spread and instead of explaining it scientifically, they explained in a supernatural way and in this case, the vampire dragon '.

Reference: Telegraph