Chip sensor monitors tumor

Recently, German scientists have successfully developed an IC sensor capable of tracking the growth of tumors.

Sensor chip chips invented by engineers at the University of Munich are used to transplant into the patient's body to track the development of tumors in difficult-to-reach positions thanks to the oxygen levels of the lateral tissues. edge.

Picture 1 of Chip sensor monitors tumor
The sensor chip is implanted close to a tumor

"There are a number of tumors located in areas that are difficult to reach, such as tumors located in the spine, which can lead to the risk of breaking some nerves during surgery. monitor and treat tumors at an appropriate stage , " said Sven Becker, project manager.

Microelectronic chips consist of a set of electrodes capable of detecting the oxygen saturation of tissues around the tumor, and then transmitting the data to a container in the patient's pocket. The doctor will get results because the information is transmitted over the wireless network. Therefore, patients do not need to check with regular scanners at the hospital.

In the future, the device will be designed to direct drugs directly to areas affected by cancer cells.

Becker hopes this treatment will be more effective and less toxic for cancer patients in the future.