Choose skin antiseptic

Picture 1 of Choose skin antiseptic When skin is slightly damaged, the choice to use skin antiseptics is also necessary to help achieve treatment and safety effects.

Alcoholic (alcool):

Alcohol 90 degrees is used for cases like antiseptic tool, applied on the skin before injecting .

However, empirical use proves that antiseptic alcohol for wounds should be 70 degrees alcohol (diluted from alcohol 90 degrees with proportional water). Skin wounds when exposed to alcohol often create a sensation of irritation (burning, burning, etc.).

Old oxygen (eau oxygénée, hydration, H2O2)

Old oxygen does not irritate the skin when used. If the bottle is not closed immediately after use, the active oxygen form will turn into normal oxygen gas and will no longer kill bacteria.

Red medicine (mercurochrome)

Used long ago thanks to strong bactericidal effect. It should be noted not to use red medicine for deep wounds because the risk of strong toxic substances of red medicine will be able to enter the blood causing poisoning.

Purple medicine (permanganate de potassium, KMnO4)

Effect of killing bacteria by oxidizing effect of newborn oxygen when mixing violet medicine into water. Purple pills must be used in crystalline granules to be dissolved in water at about 1 gram (1 pack) in 1 liter of water.

Similar to old oxygen, pre-mixed violet will not kill bacteria, especially when using violet to wash vegetables!

Iodine (teinture d'iode)

Often used with 5% concentration also has the effect of oxidizing bacteria, fungal skin infections. The antiseptic and fungicidal effect is due to iodine, not alcohol, the alcohol content in the formula is often low - only helps dissolve iodine.

Iodine is a strong antiseptic that destroys organic substances such as skin, clothing, books . So be careful when using on areas that need to be cosmetic like facial skin.

Currently iodine is also used in organic form (betadine, povidone) without causing skin irritation, is used safely on relatively sensitive mucous areas such as the mouth, vagina .