Close record of Jupiter-Earth: September 20, 2010

Jupiter will be closer to Earth than any encounter that takes place within 60 years (from 1963 to 2022).

American astronomers say Jupiter will be the brightest object in the sky on September 20, 2010, more than the Moon, because then the largest planet in this solar system will be located at close range. with the most Earth.

Picture 1 of Close record of Jupiter-Earth: September 20, 2010
Figure of solar system performance: In the order of the distance from the Sun, the 3rd position is the earth, the 5th is Jupiter.Size proportional to relative comparisons between planets.

The ' encounter ' between the Earth and the solar system's ' giant ' will begin to occur on the evening of September 20 with a sparkling light in the East and glowing at the top of the head at noon 21 / 9.

According to , the engagements between Earth and Jupiter take place every 13 months when two planets approach each other in their own orbit around the Sun. However, since the two planets do not have equal orbits, they do not always approach each other with the closest distance.

Tony Phillips of the US Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) said today, September 20, 2010, Jupiter will be 46.6 million miles away, much closer to previous encounters and must come In 2022, this record is repeated.

This time, Jupiter will get closer to the Earth in 60 years and will shine with the Moon on Mid-Autumn night.


Jupiter or Jupiter is the solar system's largest planet as the fifth act of counting from the sun.

The planets in the distant order of the Sun (Sun) are: Mercury (Mercury), Venus (Venus), Earth (Earth), Mars (Mars), Jupiter (Jupiter), Saturn ( Saturn), Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto (Pluto).

The name of this planet is based on the rustic element of the Five Elements, the Chinese character is 木星 (Jupiter).

Jupiter has the international name used as Jupiter, taking the name of the most important god of Roman mythology.

Jupiter is a giant gas planet, composed primarily of hydrogen and helium, surrounding a solid core containing heavier elements. Jupiter is a great planet, twice as heavy as that of all the remaining seven planets of the solar system. Large diameter Jupiter folds Earth about 11 times and is about 10 times smaller than the Sun.

Due to the rapid rotation speed, Jupiter has a marked flat sphere. When observing from Earth, Jupiter can have an apparent brightness of -2.8, Tuesday morning after the Moon and Venus in the night sky.

Jupiter is also where the hypothesis's foundation is that the Earth is the center of the universe shaken when Galileo Galilei discovered four celestial bodies orbiting the planet in 1610 - instead of around the Earth.