Cocoa water was available 3,000 years ago

According to a study published in the American journal PNAS, indigenous people in Central America used to drink cacao water more than 3,000 years ago, which is 500 years earlier than the hypothesis given so far.

Picture 1 of Cocoa water was available 3,000 years ago This first soft drink contains alcohol and is made from fermented rice of cocoa fruit instead of cocoa beans. When producing this original beer called chicha, ancient American Indians unknowingly discovered the secret to making cocoa water from fermented grains.

According to the principal research author, Professor John Henderson of the anthropology department of Cornell University, New York, today's chocolate manufacturing industry may have originated from the original drink that Indians had made 1,000 years ago. Yuan.

Cocoa cultivation was developed mainly in the 18th century. Cocoa word in Latin means food for the gods. The Mayan and Aztec people were the first to grow cocoa on a large scale and cocoa beans were also used as currency to exchange goods.