Comes with self-cleaning clothes

Imagine if dirty clothes had to be replaced, or stains from coffee poured in, just hanging out in the sun was everything clean.

Picture 1 of Comes with self-cleaning clothes
Silver nanoparticles are incorporated into the fabric with high antibacterial properties.

Australian researchers say they have found a way to change the properties of yarn that can help to clean the stain after a few minutes of exposure to sunlight. They dipped the fabric into a special solution of silver and copper particles . When heated under sunlight , these molecules will be activated and have the same properties as detergents .

However, if you want to wash your clothes, proceed as usual. The above compound still exists after 15 regular washing cycles. This means that the clothes are still self-cleaning after the first 15 washings. However, it is important to note that some of the contaminated nanoparticle technologies will disappear even after one wash.

Silver has long been considered an effective antimicrobial agent . Ancient Greeks and Romans put silver coins in water to prevent the spread of bacteria. Today, many fabrics and medical tapes are also treated with silver for the same effect.

A few years ago, Chinese researchers figured out how to produce self-cleaning cloths, but with slightly different processes, and it took more than 18 hours to clean itself. New technology by researchers at RMIT University, Melbourne takes just over 40 minutes to achieve the same effect.

It is hoped that effective testing will help convince fabric manufacturers to process the material with the above solution.