Continuously enduring noise from aircraft turned out to be more dangerous than you thought

You will face the risk of getting into dangerous diseases if you live near the scope of your aircraft.

According to a recent study, living in a home near the yard is now extremely dangerous to health , which can lead to high blood pressure, rapid heartbeat, and even a risk of sudden death. However, the researchers also added that their research is new and on a small scale, not to mention a number of other factors, including air pollution that may affect results.

It turns out, the discomfort caused by aircraft noise (especially at night) is still impervious to the tower compared to the serious impact on health, when we often endure each scene. the plane kept flying over its head. A recent study published in the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine collected information from 420 residents living near the international airport in Athens, Greece (where about 600 aircraft operate continuously day) to chain the long-term effects of aircraft noise on health issues.

Picture 1 of Continuously enduring noise from aircraft turned out to be more dangerous than you thought
The bigger the noise, the more destructive health especially in the evening.

This study builds on similar previous surveys to examine the impact of aircraft noise on health on six groups of people living near six major European airports between 2004 and 2006. .

The current data is from 2006 (the time that the survey ended) until 2013. About half of the 420 participants had to be regularly exposed to more than 55 dB noise of the aircraft during the day. and a third of the noise exposure is more than 45 dB of the aircraft sound at night. For ease of comparison, you can imagine a good rock music night from a leaf blower achieving a sound intensity of 115dB.

When researchers analyzed the data collected, they discovered changes in the health of each group. From 2006 to 2013, 71 people (17% of the total) initially diagnosed with high blood pressure, 44 people (10.5%) were diagnosed with arrhythmia and 18 (4%) had a heart attack. , which according to researchers is due to daily exposure to noise from aircraft.

The bigger the noise, the more devastating the health of the participants, especially in the evening. For every 10 dB increase from the normal threshold of 45dB for nighttime airplanes, the risk of hypertension increased to 69%. In some cases, the risk is even doubled.

Night-time aircraft noise doubles the risk of arrhythmia for the entire group, researchers say, the risk of stroke is also higher (often directly related to high blood pressure).

  1. "Super device" prevents noise pollution
  2. Harm of health noise