Cosmic disasters can put humanity at risk

The existence of human civilization will be threatened by the reversal of the earth's magnetic field, the massive supernova explosions and the death of the universe.

The catastrophic destruction that happens in the universe can put humanity at risk

1. Super big explosion in the universe

When the supernova exploded, they produced a tremendous amount of destructive gamma rays . If a supermassive star explodes 30 light-years from Earth, its gamma rays can blow away part of the earth's atmosphere, creating a multitude of fires, increasing the surface temperature and destroying most of the birth living things within a few months. Even species that live underground or in water do not escape the effects of gamma rays.However, scientists say that only 1% of the possibilities for this disaster occur.

Picture 1 of Cosmic disasters can put humanity at risk
Energy comes out of a supernova explosion.(Photo:

Experts are now closely monitoring the movement of the 2011 AG5 asteroid , 140 meters in diameter, determined to be the most cosmic object with the highest probability of colliding with the earth in the near future. The object was observed from Mount Lemmon, Tucson, Arizona (USA) in January 2011. "We have only observed half of its trajectory cycle, so the calculation results are still not very high ," said European Space Agency's Detlef Koschny (ESA).According to him, it is necessary to observe at least one or two of its full orbit.At present, the 2011 AG5 hit the earth is being calculated around 1/625, taking place on 5-2-2040.

2. The universe is destroyed

Dark energy causes the universe to expand constantly with increasing speed. As the universe expands faster and faster, stars will be farther apart and so will atoms. At some point the distance between atoms is so great that they cannot interact with each other anymore. The consequence of this phenomenon is that all matter dissolves and the universe is destroyed. Of course, the Earth cannot exist anymore.

Howard Davidson, a Stanford University professor of physics in the United States, agrees that this phenomenon can happen.

' That event will put an end to the universe ,' he said.

Of course, the process that Davidson mentioned will only take place in trillions, even millions of billion years. The scientific community has not found a degree to show that the universe is facing danger. But if such " apocalyptic " events happen, there is no way to stop it.

Picture 2 of Cosmic disasters can put humanity at risk

3. The magnetic field of the earth is polar

Magnetic field polarization occurs when molten iron flow around the Earth's outer nucleus changes the circulation. Every few thousand to 28 thousand years, the two magnetic poles of the earth swapped positions once. When that happens, the two poles can move chaotic for a period of time before finding a new position or 'jumping' across many places on the globe. However, the problem is not the position change of the magnetic pole.

Magnetism is a shield to protect the earth from dangerous radiation blasts from the sun. If the magnetic poles are turned upside down, the shield disappears, people must be more exposed to dangerous radiation. Atomic particles carrying charge from the sun will plunge into the upper layer, warming it and causing the earth's surface temperature to skyrocket.

Seth Shostak, a senior astronomer from the SETI Institute in the US, told Fox News that the real danger is that the atomic particles carry charges from the sun. When the Earth's magnetic field disappears, people will have to wear hats, glasses and wear protective clothing every time they leave the house. If we don't want to use those things, we'll have to stay indoors for the rest of our lives.

Picture 3 of Cosmic disasters can put humanity at risk

4. Shield against the "gods" of the universe

The most recent approach of an asteroid has stirred long-standing concerns about the possibility of objects from the universe that can destroy life on earth. Objects near the earth (hereinafter NEO), whether asteroid or comet, can become catastrophes for humankind if striking our planet. This concern is growing after NASA thanks to the increasingly more advanced development technology that counts about 50 million NEOs straight to the earth every day, Astronomers are now looking to deploy more glass. New prospects search for these NEOs.

Picture 4 of Cosmic disasters can put humanity at risk

Faced with the risk of being "attacked" by the universe, despite the currency crisis, the European Commission still spent nearly 6 million euros for a project called NEOShield, the NEO shield, in the attempt to assess termites. threats from space objects, and more importantly, preparation and implementation of necessary countermeasures. The most important goal of NEOShield, lasting three and a half years, is a detailed assessment of the three most effective anti-NEO measures: motivating to prevent collisions, creating gravity to change the NEO path and destroying objects. threaten the earth .