The theoretical models of star formation have hypothesized the existence of extremely large stars that could reach 150 times the mass of the sun.
Astronomers have recently discovered that a relative of a strange exploding star was once thought to be unique in the universe. For more than two decades they have thoroughly
The research team, led by Yale University astronomer, has discovered the darkest material-filled galaxy ever known.
Astronomers studying pictures of a nearby cluster of galaxies have recently discovered that high-speed collisions between large elliptical galaxies may prevent star formation.
A group of scientists led by researchers from the astronomical institute in Canarias (IAC) has just succeeded in detecting naphthalene (naphthalene) ...
The new map of the halo of stars around the Milky Way has recently revealed the structure of intertwined stars, many lines of stars have never been discovered.
They are located deep in the center of the Milky Way and move around the black hole, the space is capable of destroying all kinds of matter in the universe, including light.
Astronomers have recently discovered the integration process of many large galaxies about 4 billion years ago.
The new photo by NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope tells us the story of life and death in a family's rich history.
The first stars that appear in the universe are likened to the most cruel but destitute monsters. They have forever changed the nature of the universe, dispelling a black mist