Dangerous and bizarre parasites

An Australian scientist announced that he had found a parasite that increased women's charm, but made men less wise. About 40% of human species are infected with this parasite, with the scientific name Toxoplasma gondii. The cause of infection is usually the habit of eating raw meat or re-containing parasitic cysts, or by accidentally swallowing parasite eggs that are eliminated through cat feces.



Picture 1 of Dangerous and bizarre parasites (Image: BBC) An infectious disease specialist Nicky Boulter of the University of Technology Sydney said that in the past, this parasite was not really dangerous for healthy people, but the latest research shows that it can alter the patient's personality.

The strange thing is that the consequences of this parasite infection are not the same in men and women. Dr Boulter explained: "Infected men have a lower IQ, lower education levels. They are also more likely to violate laws and are reckless, less socially adaptable, skeptical, jealous. sadness and sadness, so less attractive in the eyes of women, on the contrary, women infected with this parasite tend to be open, friendly, easy-going in emotional relationships and considered by men. more charming than non-infected people ".

Van Ly