Decipher the mystery of the red tie of US President Donald Trump

Red tie always accompanies US President Donald Trump whenever he appears in public.

Many people still wonder why Donald Trump always wore simple suits and a red tie when appearing in presidential events, TV debates or overseas trips. .

Red ties not only help the wearer stand out from the opponent, but also have a special meaning.

Picture 1 of Decipher the mystery of the red tie of US President Donald Trump
Red always appears in the ancient architecture of Chinese people.

Meaning of red

The old people often say that red always shows strength and power. This color appears everywhere. According to the concept of the Eastern people, this is the color that brings happiness and luck.

In the palace of the Chinese emperors there is the presence of red. According to feng shui, this color plays an important role. They represent fire and fame. Red helps boost energy and create prominence.

These red lovers often have strong, assertive and ambitious personality.

Red is considered to bring abundant energy resources and additional energy for humans. Anything related to red means to strengthen.

Picture 2 of Decipher the mystery of the red tie of US President Donald Trump
In fashion, red is one of the most favored colors when women appear on the street.

In fashion, red is a way for girls to express their hot and sexy features. They always give favor to this red color whenever they want to become the focal point of the party.

Designer Bill Class has left an immortal fashion statement: "When you feel hesitant, turn red" (When in doubt, wear red).

The reason Mr. Trump always chose red tie

Picture 3 of Decipher the mystery of the red tie of US President Donald Trump
US President Donald Trump often wears a red tie every time he appears.

Referring to President Trump, many people will immediately think of the image of a man wearing a dark suit and a red tie. Most people believe that Mr. Trump is in a red tie because this is the typical color of the American flag, which is also a way for him to show patriotism.

However, this is only partly true because politicians often wear red ties to help themselves feel confident, strong and persistent in the eyes of the opposite.

Many studies show that red affects the subconscious of the brain and improves memory significantly compared to other nuances. They make the wearer become solemn.

Picture 4 of Decipher the mystery of the red tie of US President Donald Trump
According to scientists, red is always the favorite nuance of politicians.

That is also the reason why the red tie is always accompanied by Mr. Trump during the process of becoming president. He also always wears a red tie at campaign campaigns, debates or trips abroad.