Decode secret death with a devastating guillotine in ancient times

Here are some slashing death secrets - one of the most brutal execution methods in history that surprised many people.

Picture 1 of Decode secret death with a devastating guillotine in ancient times
Nicolas-Jacques Pelletier was sentenced to death for stealing and murder.He was the first person to be executed with a guillotine on April 25, 1792.

Picture 2 of Decode secret death with a devastating guillotine in ancient times
Charles-Henri Sanson is one of the most famous executioners in the world.The family of Sanson has traditionally done this work for over 200 years.One of the most famous death row inmates was executed by Sanson executioner with a guillotine, King Louis XVI in 1793.

Picture 3 of Decode secret death with a devastating guillotine in ancient times
Charles-Henri Sanson's son also succeeded his father as a executioner and was the one who used French guillotine cutting machine Marie Antoinette.

Picture 4 of Decode secret death with a devastating guillotine in ancient times
Guillotine is an extremely creepy death row death row method.According to the executioner of Charles-Henri Sanson, execution of 300 death row inmates took place in 3 days.Accordingly, the execution of 12 guillotine prisoners took place in 13 minutes.

Picture 5 of Decode secret death with a devastating guillotine in ancient times
On March 25, 1792, the French National Assembly passed a decision to use guillotine as a tool to execute death row inmates.Before the guillotine was put into use in France, guillotine testing was carried out with objects such as sheep, calves and corpses.

Picture 6 of Decode secret death with a devastating guillotine in ancient times
The work of executioners gives them a huge income.Specifically, Nazi Germany used to pay for execution of death row prisoners by cutting machines with 3,000 reichsmark / year.

Picture 7 of Decode secret death with a devastating guillotine in ancient times
Eugene Weidmann is a death row death row executed by a final guillotine.He was executed in 1939 for committing murder and robbery.