Detect terrorism at the airport by scanning bone structure

An Israeli-based technology company called Extreme Reality has developed a skeletal scanner system for passengers flying the plane to help airport security officers detect terrorists or those with bad intentions. .

This biometric system uses a two-dimensional camera to scan the passenger bones structure to analyze his movements, then record it in a "bone map". This map contains information about the distance of the joints and how they move. By comparing this map with subsequent bone scans, the system can detect differences in the way passengers move. This is a sign that the passenger is stressed or maybe he is hiding a bad intent.

Picture 1 of Detect terrorism at the airport by scanning bone structure

According to Extreme Reality, the system uses a sophisticated algorithm to analyze motion and it gives up to 90% accuracy.

People also use some of the biometric security systems at airports. But those systems are just to speed up the security procedures for frequent flyers. Passengers will have to register their biometric records so that after the flight they do not have to do much procedures.

Picture 2 of Detect terrorism at the airport by scanning bone structure

With Extreme Reality's bone scan system, airports will not need to force customers to register. Each passenger's motion image is automatically saved to the database. Later, any suspicious movement will be notified by the system to the full time staff.

Assuming that one day you have to go through the above system, you are suffering from back or limb. Perhaps you should bring the hospital certificate to avoid the customs officer's inspection!