Detecting a suspected species as an intermediate host of corona virus

The Rappler website on February 7, citing Hoa Nam Agricultural University (China), confirmed that the pangolin species is likely to be an intermediary for the transmission of new strain of corona virus (2019-nCoV).

Specifically, the team of experts at this university came to the conclusion after they analyzed more than 1,000 different gene samples of many wildlife species that are capable of carrying the corona virus strain.

The researchers then discovered the gene sequence of the corona virus strain on the body of the pangolin breed to 99% of the 2019-nCoV strain in humans . Molecular biology tests also showed a 70% match rate.

Picture 1 of Detecting a suspected species as an intermediate host of corona virus
An individual pangolin at Beijing zoo (Photo taken in June 2018).(Photo: AFP)

"Due to the seriousness and urgency of the current 2019-nCoV virus prevention and control, this result has great significance for disease prevention and control. It also provides a scientific basis." study to adjust policies related to wildlife trade control " - Professor Liu Yahong of Hoa Nam University said.

However, some experts have recently expressed doubt about the results from Hoa Nam University.

Professor Dirk Pfeiffer of the City University of Hong Kong said that the above-mentioned similarities have not been able to prove that pangolin virus transmits a new strain."It is only possible to make a more definitive conclusion if we can compare the survival rates of corona virus in different species based on representative samples. This is almost impossible , " he said. Pfeiffer shared.

According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), pangolin is currently the most trafficked animal on the planet. In China, they are used to make medicines in traditional medicine, while pangolin meat is widely traded on the black market.

Earlier, a study by the Wuhan Institute of Virology published on February 3 questioned bats to be the intermediate species that spread the new strain of corona virus. This result is based on analysis of blood samples taken from seven infected people in the area. Six of these people went to Wuhan seafood market at the time of the outbreak. The Wuhan Virus Institute continues to detect the gene sequence of the virus strain in this group of people similar to the Corona TG13 strain in bats by 96% .

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