Detecting an Earth-like planet located very close to us

The mystery of extraterrestrial life is about to be solved?

Astronomers have discovered that GJ 1252 b - exoplanets (exoplanets) are slightly larger than Earth, orbiting red dwarf stars and 66.5 light-years away.

According to Science Alert, this is the right planet to study life in the Milky Way, and help us better understand the planets scattered in this universe.

Picture 1 of Detecting an Earth-like planet located very close to us
With our planet-like structure, exoplanets like GJ 1252 b are opportunities for extraterrestrial life.(Photo:

The size of GJ 1252 b is about 1.2 times the mass of Earth. It orbits the red dwarf star GJ 1252 with the size and mass equal to 40% of the Sun.

The time it takes GJ 1252 to orbit its own "Sun" is 12.4 hours. The distance of 66.5 light-years is considered close enough to observe the planet from the Earth by tracking its rotation around the red dwarf GJ 1252 (also known as transit).

If the planet had an atmosphere, it would be re-illuminated by the light of GJ 1252 (transit), a phenomenon that astronomers can observe with a telescope.

The first exoplanet was discovered in 1992. Humans have confirmed the existence of more than 4,100 exoplanets, but it is difficult to observe because they are quite far away.

Tasks like Kepler (now TESS) have found many exoplanets, mostly largely Earth-like (rocky planets), but the study was difficult because the stars they orbited were not bright enough. .

The opportunity to delve deeper into new exoplanets actually opens up when the GJ 1252 b is found orbiting dwarfs at close enough distances.

GJ 1252 b is just one of the rocky planets that the TESS mission recently discovered.

In September 2018, exoplanets Pi Mensae c and LHS 3844 b were found 60 and 49 light-years from Earth; then added the TOI-270b 73 light years away; Teegarden b and Teegarden c are 12.5 light years away; Gliese b, Gliese c, Gliese d 12 light years away.

Picture 2 of Detecting an Earth-like planet located very close to us
The exoplanet Pi Mensae c was taken in August 2018 by the US Space Agency's (NASA) TESS telescope.(Photo: NASA).

The more rocky planets are discovered, the more data researchers have to analyze the factors that make up life in the Milky Way.

With a hard, low-mass surface like those of the Solar System, planets like GJ 1252 b are opportunities for finding extraterrestrial life, missions we've been pursuing for decades.