Detecting mosquitoes often can also transmit Zika virus

According to a new study by Brazilian scientists, published on August 9 in the journal "The new infectious bacteria and diseases", common Culex mosquitoes can also transmit Zika virus.

Scientists from the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz) in the state of Pernambuco, Northeast Brazil have demonstrated that the Zika virus is able to access the insect's salivary glands, which researchers believe is also one of the transmission routes of Zika virus.

Picture 1 of Detecting mosquitoes often can also transmit Zika virus
Close up of a bird in Mexico City.(Source: AFP / VNA).

Fiocruz said it will analyze the physiological and behavioral properties of Culex mosquitoes in the natural environment to "explore the role and importance of this species in the transmission of Zika virus".

So far, it is believed that the Zika virus is primarily transmitted by the more common Aedes Aegypti mosquito , a common mosquito that normally carries the virus that causes Dengue and Chikungunya fever.

People with this virus have milder symptoms of dengue fever or typhus caused by mosquitoes, including conjunctivitis, headache, muscle pain, joint pain and rash.

The disease is not dangerous to normal people, but pregnant women infected with Zika can give birth to babies with small head malformations - a characteristic abnormally small and underdeveloped brain defect, or market problems. hearing, hearing and limb movement. Zika virus can also lead to depression called Guillan-Barre syndrome in adults.