Detecting new bacteria can clean waste water

A sea research group outside Primorsky (Russia) and Australia have found a new bacterium that can help clean waste water.

Picture 1 of Detecting new bacteria can clean waste water
Bacteria have the ability to break down chemicals contained in synthetic detergents.

According to a recent report, a research group of the Pacific Institute of Inorganic Chemistry belonging to the Far East branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences combined with researchers from Australia, New Zealand, France and Spain. and Japan studied seawater at Chazhma Bay on the Japanese Sea in Primorsky territory and Port Phillip Bay in Tasman Sea, Australia.

They discovered two new bacterial species called Marinobacter salarius and Marinobacter similis . These are bacteria capable of decomposing chemicals contained in synthetic detergents and certain drugs.

The report also said that detergent molecules are very difficult to decompose, and that discharging them into reservoirs often creates a phenomenon of foaming and harmful effects on water use and human health.

These new bacteria are potentially useful in cleaning up waste water.