Detecting new viruses in human gut

Scientists have found a virus that has never been recorded in human gut, according to a new report on the Nature Communications journal.

Picture 1 of Detecting new viruses in human gut
The extent and scope of CrAssphage influence is unknown - (Photo: SPL)

While examining genetic material in intestinal samples of 3 large data warehouses, a group of international experts led by San Diego State University (USA) suddenly discovered DNA fragments with a length of about 100,000 sign. self, appears in more than half of the samples.

They decided to call the new virus CrAssphage .

'It is in about 50 to 75% of the population' , according to researcher Rob Edwards of San Diego State University.

With this length, CrAssphage must be 10 times the size of HIV, and is found in data warehouses in the US, Europe, and Korea.

'Until now, it could be said that the virus appeared with humans. It's everywhere, on every continent we check , 'said Edwards.

Experts say CrAssphage may affect the behavior of some common bacteria in the human gut, such as the Bacteroides family.