Detecting strange creatures half a snake lizard half

A rare half-snake, half-lizard creature has just been found in Kenya, before, many believed that the animal was extinct.

Detecting creatures half lizard, half snake

The strange snake lizard creature was found in Masai Mara, Kenya by researcher Sjoerd van Berge Henegouwen.

At first glance, it resembles a long snake but possesses two front limbs - the lizard's identity trait.

Picture 1 of Detecting strange creatures half a snake lizard half
The exotic "snake lizard" has been found in Kenya.

This strange creature half a snake and half lizard is therefore thought to be a ball lizard. The two front limbs of this lizard snake are very small and thought to be quite weak.

Picture 2 of Detecting strange creatures half a snake lizard half
It has two very small front limbs and is classified as a lizard.

Sjoerd van Berge Henegouwen - who found the animal immediately went online to find out information about it but could not find a picture of the "snake lizard".

  1. Strange reptiles look like worms, snakes and turtles
  2. "Snake-footed" lizards

After sharing the photo via Facebook, German Dr. Phillip Wagner said that almost all of this ball lizard is almost considered extinct when it is not detected for quite a long time.

Picture 3 of Detecting strange creatures half a snake lizard half
A close-up of the strange creature half a snake has just been found.

He said: "This could be considered the first shot of the lizard ball, because we only found dead individuals before."