Strange snake-like creatures possess bizarre jagged teeth

Wearing a body like an eel, a snake-like head but this creature possesses strange teeth, unlike any other creature.

Appearing on Reddit in the past few days, the image of a strange creature with a snake-like appearance but possessing fast and hideous teeth attracted the attention of many members of this social networking site.

According to the user who posted the photo, the creature was discovered in the coastal area of ​​Murmansk city, northwestern Russia.

Picture 1 of Strange snake-like creatures possess bizarre jagged teeth
Images of strange creatures have hideous teeth

If only look, many people will immediately think of a snake with strange, jagged teeth with sharp thorns. But in fact, this is a rare marine creature lying on the brink of extinction.

Based on scientific documents, it is known that this is a shark named lizard sharks, crested sharks or edged sharks . It has the scientific name is Chlamydoselachus anguineus . Edged sharks live mainly in deep waters above 1,500m. They are considered fossils living on the seabed during the dinosaur period.

Picture 2 of Strange snake-like creatures possess bizarre jagged teeth
Rare and precious shark species.

On average, sharks are about 1.7 - 2m in length depending on male or female. Currently, due to the low fertility rate, plus the ability to bring high commercial value, these sharks are being overfished, making them endangered.