The bizarre appearance of snake neck turtles

Not only outstanding with an unusually long neck, snake neck turtles possess extremely strong legs and are able to emit unpleasant odors when enemies attack them.

Picture 1 of The bizarre appearance of snake neck turtles
Snake neck turtles (Chelodina longicollis) , also known as long neck turtles, are distributed mainly in freshwater areas such as swamps or lakes in Australia. (Photo:

Picture 2 of The bizarre appearance of snake neck turtles
They pay special attention because of their 'oversized' long neck. (Photo:

Picture 3 of The bizarre appearance of snake neck turtles
The neck can even reach the length of the shell they are carrying. (Photo:

Picture 4 of The bizarre appearance of snake neck turtles
Every time they want to cower, they have to tuck their heads to the side instead of pulling their necks as easily as many other turtles. (Photo:

Picture 5 of The bizarre appearance of snake neck turtles
Their shells are flat, wide and brown. (Photo:

Picture 6 of The bizarre appearance of snake neck turtles
Long neck turtles have extremely strong legs, helping them to freely swim, dig for soil or even "prey on their prey". (Photo:

Picture 7 of The bizarre appearance of snake neck turtles
Food of snake neck turtles consists of many different animals, such as insects, butterflies, tadpoles, frogs, small fishes. ( Photo:

Picture 8 of The bizarre appearance of snake neck turtles
When attacked, they will emit an extremely terrible scent, so people call them 'stinking turtles' . (Photo:

Picture 9 of The bizarre appearance of snake neck turtles
Long-necked turtles are currently in the wild and endangered wild animal group. (Photo: