Rare turtle species in Vietnam: Do not retract the neck but can climb a tree

A turtle looks distinct from many other turtles, they often live in slow-flowing waters and eat crustaceans, worms .

Big head turtle (scientific name: Platysternon megacephalum) is a mountain turtle living in some Southeast Asian countries such as Vietnam, Laos, Thailand, Myanmar, Cambodia and in China.

Some characteristics of the big-headed turtle

Unlike many other turtles, they cannot draw their necks in tomorrow to protect themselves (in return for very hard horned turtles as well as thick and dense skulls). Moreover, this turtle has a very good climbing ability. great.

Picture 1 of Rare turtle species in Vietnam: Do not retract the neck but can climb a tree
Big head turtle.Photo: Picssr.

The thick apricot is yellow or brown, rectangular, the big-headed tortoise with strong, strong nails and long tail occupies a significant weight in the entire body weight. The difference between the male and female appearance is negligible except that the male shell tends to be more concave than the female.

Platysternon megacephalum.Source: Naeff Cold Blooded.

During the day, this turtle hides under rocks in streams, where there is slow flow and sunbathing on the stream. They only go to foraging in the evening or at night, with food mainly of invertebrates or mollusks, earthworms, small crustaceans.

Picture 2 of Rare turtle species in Vietnam: Do not retract the neck but can climb a tree
Big headed turtles are available in Vietnam.Photo: ESF.

The preferred water environment for big-headed turtles is an area with temperatures between 12 and 17 degrees C. The head is large, triangular and has a hard beak, like a parrot, so this turtle is also called a conure's turtle. Their bite can cause serious injuries.

A large head turtle when mature will have a size of about 20cm more (total body size is 40 cm). Each litter, this turtle only lays 1 to 2 eggs in the summer (eggs are similar to bird eggs, with a length of 22 to 37 mm,

Endangered status of large head turtles

Bigger turtle meat is a very popular dish in China, in addition they are traded as pets (according to Kirkpatrick, D. 1995. The Big-headed Turtle, Platysternon megacephalum. Reptile & Amphibian Magazine).

Picture 3 of Rare turtle species in Vietnam: Do not retract the neck but can climb a tree
Sharp claws of big-headed turtles.Photo: Ken Chan.

In our country, the number of these species is seriously declining due to the disappearance of primary forest (less common in secondary forests), due to their reproductive behavior, their number is also very limited (estimated in 10 In recent years, the rate of decline is over 50%).

Therefore, the big-headed tortoise is named in the Vietnam Red Data Book (animal section, p. 252), with a Grade R threat and is endeavored to be protected and banned by the Turtle Conservation Program in Cuc Phuong National Park. Absolutely hunting and trading this turtle.