Strangely the only tree species in Vietnam has a special ability: Born and raised

Just a species of woody plants, but this plant makes everyone surprised by the strange ability: born and raised "children" like animals.

This particular species is called Black Parrot . Not only is the world's most bizarre possibility in the world and Vietnam because it is possible to 'give birth', this plant is also known for its great use in treating many diseases or has significant value in production, business.

Picture 1 of Strangely the only tree species in Vietnam has a special ability: Born and raised
Black parrot trees are popular in central coastal provinces and mangroves in southern provinces from Dong Nai to Ca Mau.

Parrots (parrot parrots, parrots) , with the most common form of black parrots, the scientific name is Bruguiera sexangula , which is a type of mangrove shrub found in places frequently affected by tides or alluvial soil is depositing. In Vietnam, black parrots are popular in central coastal provinces and mangroves in southern provinces from Dong Nai to Ca Mau.

Picture 2 of Strangely the only tree species in Vietnam has a special ability: Born and raised
This particular tree has the most extraordinary ability in the world and Vietnam because it can 'give birth'.

Black parrots are woody plants with well-developed conical cylindrical breaths, 30 - 25m high, smooth shells, ash-gray or light brown. Plants have long oval leaves, tough, yellow flowers grow alone, fruits have curved sepals, bell-shaped roots. Black parrots often flower in March-April range, have fruits in May-June, sometimes flowering and fruits almost all year round. This species grows and grows fast, strongly sprouting.

Picture 3 of Strangely the only tree species in Vietnam has a special ability: Born and raised
Black parrots grow and grow fast in alluvial alluvial soil, mangrove forests, strong buds, sometimes flowering and fruits all year round.

What makes a black parrot special and strange that rare plants can do is its magic ability to "give birth" . Basically, like other plant plants, black parrots also reproduce and maintain the race by flowering, pollinating and pollinating to create seeds. However, while the seeds of other plants separated from the mother's body, fell to the ground, from the ground itself absorbed nutrients and took root, germinated into seedlings, the seeds of the parrot tree. germinate into seedlings right on the trunk of the mother tree.

Picture 4 of Strangely the only tree species in Vietnam has a special ability: Born and raised
This strange way of "giving birth" and "raising children" of the black parrot tree is similar to the reproduction of animals.

When being 'nurtured' by a mother tree, developing to a certain level and being able to live independently, then the black parrot is separated from its mother's body, falling into mud, rooted and raising itself. yourself. In other words, this strange way of 'giving birth' and 'raising children' of black parrot is similar to the reproduction of animals: after pregnancy, giving birth, 'mothers' will raise take care of your children until they 'have enough feathered wings', enough to live independently to let them leave.

Picture 5 of Strangely the only tree species in Vietnam has a special ability: Born and raised
When the mother 'nourished', developed to the extent of being able to live independently, then the black parrot is separated from its mother's body, falling into the mud layer, rooted and raising itself.

This is an extremely rare phenomenon in plants in the world and in Vietnam, and the current black parrot tree is the only one with such incredible ability. The reason that the tree has this characteristic is also to adapt to the habitat in the mangrove area, if it reproduces in a normal way, the seed will be swept away, unable to take root and develop.

Unusual use of black parrot trees

Not only does it have an incredible fertility, black parrots also have many useful uses both in health and in production.

In medicine

Black parrots in the composition have a lot of tannin (20-25%), acrid, bitter taste, is a precious medicinal flavor, widely used in traditional medicine. All the stem, leaves, pods and fruits of black parrots can be used as medicine to cure some common diseases. Black parrot leaves inhibit the signs of cancer, parrot shells are used as a drug against diarrhea and sometimes treat malaria.

Picture 6 of Strangely the only tree species in Vietnam has a special ability: Born and raised
Parrots are used to help treat eye diseases.

In Cambodia parrot shells are used to treat diarrhea, in India, parrot bark is used to stop bleeding, bleeding and applies to malignant ulcers, or people with burns . While parrots are used Support treatment of eye diseases.

In daily life and production

Few people know that in the parrot of the black parrot contains a lot of starch that can be processed as sweet food in many countries around the world, including people living in the mangrove area in Vietnam. The fruit is used to eat with betel and dye the net, while the shell is used to dye cloth, fishing net and tanning.

Picture 7 of Strangely the only tree species in Vietnam has a special ability: Born and raised
Black parrots are also of high economic value timber, black parrot wood can be used to close ordinary everyday life items or used in construction, making mines .

People also grow black parrots for timber for daily life and production. There are families buying black parrots to plant ornamental plants in the garden, but the trees are difficult to live because of the need for a mangrove environment. When mature parrots and parrots are also of high economic value, black parrot wood can be used to close ordinary everyday things or use in construction, making mines, etc.