Detecting water on extrasolar planets

Astronomers on April 10 announced they first found evidence of the existence of water on an outer planet of the Solar System - planet HD 209458b.

Travis Barman, an astronomer at the Lowell Astronomical Observatory in Flagstaff, Arizona, said water vapor is found in the atmosphere of HD 209458b - a large planet in the form of Jupiter-like gas, from Earth. 150 light years, located in the constellation Pegasus.

The Lowell Astronomical Observatory said the finding was published in the Astrophysical Journal and that their research was supported by the US Aerospace Agency (NASA).

HD 209458b is also the first planet outside the Solar System to detect atmospheres with carbon and oxygen.

Scientists are looking for signs of extraterrestrial life that have taken a long time to prove the presence of water on other planets, both in and out of the Solar System, because water is thought to be multiplying. Basic element for life exists.

Picture 1 of Detecting water on extrasolar planets
Planetary artwork HD 209458b (Photo: Reuters)