Detection can help objects exist in two places at the same time

US scientists demonstrate the existence of an atomic cloud in two places at the same time, opening up the ability to successfully implement instantaneous translation techniques.

According to the laws of physics, an object cannot exist in two places at the same time. However, in the December 23 issue of Nature, the team led by Dr. Mark Kasevich demonstrated a cloud of rubidium atoms that could exist in two stacking states, or in other words quantized .

Quantum states usually only occur in subatomic particles such as electrons, allowing them to exist in two quantum states at the same time with a distance as small as an atom. On a macroscopic level, Kasevich and colleagues' experiments showed that it is possible to create quantum states at a distance of 54cm.

Picture 1 of Detection can help objects exist in two places at the same time
Instant teleportation can become a reality in the future.(Photo: teleportation).

The Tech Times, scientists at Stanford University, California, USA, use light pulse atomic interference techniques to detect atoms through the laser spectrum. They created a cloud of 10,000 rubidium atoms in the Bose condensate form - Einstein, a few millimeters in diameter. Using lasers, they shot into the cloud to bring it to a height of 10m. At this height, clouds create two states in seconds before falling. Two states were detected 54cm apart. This state stacking lasts for a second before the laser beam returns them to one.

"This result has brought the quantum stacking phenomenon to the macro level, proving that quantum properties can exist in the space scale and the time scale of daily life," the researchers said.

Quantum stacking can bring about revolution in information transmission. For example, computers today use conventional or binary bit information units 1 or 0. When scientists successfully develop quantum computers, a quantum unit (qubit) can be divided into Three states at a time, allowing computers to achieve faster calculations than many times today.

The discovery of stacking of quantum physics at the macro level can make instantaneous translation technology a reality.

Quantum state at which matter appears at two places at the same time, can help send data, a tangible object, or even people to locations far away from kilometers without any Any physical link.