Detection of flu in just one hour

American chemists say the new technology allows for faster detection of flu, shortening the time from a few days to 60 minutes.

Picture 1 of Detection of flu in just one hour
New testing techniques allow early detection of disease

Paul Schreckenberger, director of the Loyola University Medical System Microbiology Laboratory (USA), said Loyola is one of two hospitals in Illinois using a new epidemiological research technique, which allows scanning 17 micro-lines. Draw and 3 strains of bacteria within 60 minutes.

According to today's standard technology, it takes several days for the laboratory to get accurate results about the condition.

Meanwhile, the new system, called the Respiratory Panel FilmArray , allows one sample to be tested for 20 infectious agents, instead of several samples as traditional methods.

Having rapid results is important in improving patient health, limiting the spread of disease and reducing the total cost of treatment, according to Schreckenberger.