The origin and meaning of Earth Hour

Earth Hour is an annual event in the world. However, not everyone knows the meaning of activities on this day.

What is Earth Hour?

Earth Hour (EH) , initiated by WWF - the International Fund for Nature Protection, is a global initiative to raise people's awareness of energy conservation and climate change.

This initiative calls on individuals and businesses all over the world to turn off the power for an hour on the last Saturday night of March every year.

The goal of the campaign is to affirm that every individual action that is multiplied on a large scale can help change a better living environment.

The event started in Sydney, Australia in 2007 when 2 million participants turned off the lights. In 2008, more than 50 million people worldwide also participated.

Picture 1 of The origin and meaning of Earth Hour
This event started from Sydney, Australia in 2007.

The meaning of Earth Hour

Meaning of Earth Hour in our country: every year on the last Saturday in March at 20:30, the whole country will turn off the electric lighting with candles to express the saving of electric energy. And candle lighting does not only take place in Vietnam but also countries in the region and the world.

Try to remember, how many times have we lit too many bulbs for a room. How many times do we turn on the TV but don't pay any attention to the content it is playing. How many times do we use the air conditioner while completely opening the window to catch the wind . So try to change that habit and compare the results.

Thus, not only enjoy the Earth Hour response, but let's do more for this planet together. Great, better changes sometimes start from a small action like turning off a light in the room or restricting the use of plastic bags when shopping.

Earth Hour 2018

This year's Earth Hour will take place at 20:30 to 21:30 on Saturday, March 24, 2018.