Earth Hour 2024 calls for reducing carbon footprint - moving towards Netzero

At 8:30 p.m. on March 23, 2024 local time, the 18th Earth Hour will take place globally . The campaign calls on individuals, businesses and communities around the world to "Turn off the lights, spend one full hour for the Earth" , doing something useful for our planet.

Earth Hour is an annual international event founded by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) to call on people to take practical actions to protect the environment by turning off lights and other devices. unnecessary electricity within one hour (from 8:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. local time) on the last Saturday of March every year.

Originating from a symbolic lights-out event in Sydney, Australia in 2007, Earth Hour has become the world's largest environmental movement.

In its early years, Earth Hour focused on the climate crisis, but in recent years, the program has focused attention on biodiversity loss and nature degradation.

Earth Hour emphasizes the role of individuals in creating solutions to the planet's most pressing environmental challenges, calling on the collective power of millions of people on Earth to create a positive future.

In 2009, Earth Hour was organized for the first time in Vietnam by WWF, with the companionship of the Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment. With only 6 provinces participating for the first time, Earth Hour has now received the response and participation of all 63 provinces and cities and millions of individuals, businesses and organizations.

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Hoi An ancient town (Quang Nam) responds to Earth Hour 2023. (Photo: Giang Thanh).

Earth Hour 2024 in Vietnam, WWF together with the Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment call on the public to ' Reduce carbon footprint - Towards Net Zero'.

The organizers call on everyone to spend an hour for the Earth and do things, even the smallest, to contribute to reducing carbon footprints such as cycling, choosing to buy environmentally friendly consumer products. school, plant more trees, attend a local Earth Hour event or simply turn off unnecessary electrical devices for an hour.

Earth Hour also calls on businesses to improve production processes, apply solutions to optimize operations, save energy, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

In addition to online activities on mass media and social networks, many live events are also organized to raise awareness and call on the community to act together for Vietnam's common goals.

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People in Ho Chi Minh City respond to Earth Hour 2023. (Photo: Ha Chi).

According to WWF, climate change is the biggest challenge humanity is facing. For Vietnam, proactively responding to climate change is a particularly important issue, determining the country's sustainable development.

WWF representative said that converting to a green economy, circular economy or low carbon economy is not an easy goal. In this context, reducing carbon footprint plays an important role in progress towards Net Zero . Reducing carbon footprint, which means reducing emissions, is one of the prerequisites to realizing the Net Zero goal by 2050.