Stunned by the mysterious sunset, strange appearance

Nature has a lot of mysterious phenomena, which always make people surprised.

Christine McNaughton, on the farm, suddenly found the mysterious, incredibly strange sunset scene . The moment the sun went down, a bright yellow orange appeared and there were three corona around it. At first glance it looks like a heart.

Picture 1 of Stunned by the mysterious sunset, strange appearance

Picture 2 of Stunned by the mysterious sunset, strange appearance
The moment the sun went down, a bright yellow orange appeared and there were three corona around it.

Because of the overwhelming interest in this strange twilight phenomenon, Ms. Christine McNaughton hurriedly took some pictures and then shared them on her personal Twitter page, attracting a great deal of attention. Many netizens feel surprised, unbelievable and wonder what this phenomenon is.

Concerned with netizens, Ms Christine McNaughton decided to contact a meteorologist for an explanation. Worth mentioning, because this phenomenon is so rare, experts and meteorologists have not given a reasonable explanation.

Meteorologist Chris Murphy said: "I've never seen this strange sunset pattern, this is an optical phenomenon but not like the sun dog phenomenon. The halo around the sun has three. what, completely unlike the usual halo " .

  1. Learn about sunrise and sunset
  2. 12 views of the most beautiful sunset on the planet