Longyearbyen is a town with 2,000 inhabitants who mainly rely on coal mining in Norway's remote Svalbard Islands, according to Sun.

10 terrible disasters in human history have harmed not only people and possessions but also badly affected the environment for many years to come.

US scientists on January 16 said La Nina weather phenomenon in the tropical Pacific region may be the main cause of dangerous pandemics in the world.

Australian scientists are now collaborating with the world science world to prepare to deal with the next human pandemic.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has warned that the Middle East-derived corona virus (MERS-CoV), similar to the virus that causes acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), is likely

American chemists say the new technology allows for faster detection of flu, shortening the time from a few days to 60 minutes.

According to the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC), infection is the main cause of deaths in patients with influenza A / H1N1.

China has become the first country in the world to publish a successful clinical trial of human influenza A / H1N1 vaccine.

Australia is currently living in the fact that what the northern hemisphere will soon face: It is a winter with influenza A / H1N1.

Science magazine