Detects two gas planets orbiting the star

The US space agency (NASA) on September 14 said scientists have for the first time found evidence that planets can form and exist around stars similar to the face. Heaven in dense star clusters.

This finding was published in the September issue of Astrophysics.

Using the 1.5m wide Tillinghast telescope at an observatory in Arizona, astronomers discovered two planets similar to Jupiter, named Pr0201b and Pr0211b , in the Beehive constellation of about 1,000. stars seem to focus around a common axis.

Picture 1 of Detects two gas planets orbiting the star

Unlike Jupiter, two gigantic masses of burning heat lie in orbit close to their host stars.

This discovery confuses astronomers because of their hypothesis, gas planets cannot form too close to a star because it will cause them to evaporate.

The most plausible explanation is that these planets are formed from afar and then move inwards towards the stars.

Because Beehive is a young constellation, newly discovered planets can help scientists supplement the theory.

If the stars are young, so are the planets. Determining the speed at which they move towards the stars will be the first step to understanding this process.

Scientists had previously discovered two planets around giant stars, but found no planets orbiting stars similar to the Sun.