Develop a virtual visual positioning system for pilots

Russian engineers have recently developed a navigation system that can replace pilots' control devices such as compasses, altimeters, radio girders, and tilts.

Not only is the cheaper price compared to similar products of other countries, the new Russian navigation system is more reliable, can combine satellite operation allows to determine the direction of motion, speed and the relative inclination of the plane.

Picture 1 of Develop a virtual visual positioning system for pilots
Illustrated by: Ria Novosti

According to experts, on the system screen can see the navigation map and direction indicators. This system is considered as a virtual visual (or visual aviation of pilots).

"The important point in this visual sight is the ground-impact warning system, which provides terrain information ," said Oleg Salychev, a professor at the Moscow State Technical University . Green is a safe area, brown indicates risk of land contact. When the plane approaches dangerous areas, the system emits sound, lights flash, warns pilots of altitude. "

Russian navigation systems have been tested on helicopters for years and in the most adventurous conditions. According to technical experts, the system is particularly effective when flying in hilly areas.

After the tests in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Nepal, this navigation system is useful in all emergencies such as low visibility, low cloud ... The pilot safely escapes such situations thanks to the visual equipment. virtual .

Currently, Russian engineers are continuing to develop the next generation of navigation systems, allowing the determination of unused GPS (Global Positioning System) coordinates.