Discover giant pythons, change your body color when agitated

Papua python has the scientific name Apodora papuana. This is one of the 10 largest python species in the world today.

Picture 1 of Discover giant pythons, change your body color when agitated
Giant Papua python.

Papua pythons belong to a large snake family, found in the islands of Fegusson and New Guinea. The python giant Papua can be more than 5m long. Despite its enormous size, Papua python is quite slow and does not pose a danger to humans.

Papua pythons can change their body color when it comes to breeding season or when they are agitated. The color of python Papua varies widely from black to yellow mustard. However, they are usually olive green when they are young and darken as they mature.

Papua pythons usually hunt at night. Their food includes other snakes, small mammals.

Papua python was first discovered in 1878. Papua python has a very different blue tongue.