Discover strange objects on Saturn

The Cassini spacecraft has sent from Saturn the image of a strange hexagonal object with surface wind stronger than a Category 5 storm on Earth.

>>>Video: Detecting strange objects on Saturn

NASA's Cassini spacecraft recently sent a picture of Saturn's colorful space. In particular, this image shows a strange hexagonal object.

Picture 1 of Discover strange objects on Saturn

Scientists say the hexagon was NASA's top concern because of its completely different shape and properties. The initial findings of the scientists show that this hexagon is chaotic and unstable with winds of 321km / h - 80km / h more powerful than the winds of a Category 5 storm.

Andrew Ingerson, a Cassini team member at the California Institute of Technology, said: "A storm on Earth usually lasts for a week, but Saturn storms last for decades and sometimes centuries." .

The Cassini spacecraft was launched into space in 1997 and flew into orbit around Saturn, the sixth planet in the Solar System since 2004. NASA hopes the Cassini spacecraft will collect additional images and Other data about Saturn and satellites around the planet and complete information in 2017.

Cassini transmitted the image of this strange hexagon before, but it was not until last week that NASA had a short, high-resolution video with clear colors of the hexagon.

Cassini took pictures of this hexagon during 10 hours on December 10, 2012. The collected images are still in the process of analysis and use the colorization method to distinguish different parts of the storm. With human eyes, this hexagon and the north pole of Saturn will be yellow and green.