Discover strange underground life of naked mole

East African mole rat, better known as the "naked mole rat", is a rat species with almost no signs of aging. They live nine times longer than mice of similar size and rarely get cancer. Most of their behavior is also very strange.

Strange underground life of naked mole

Nude mole mice live their lives almost in complete darkness. They walked, crept between a network of grottos and underground tunnels.

Inside its dark world, this creature has developed a society that is religious and orderly, with many similarities to the society of bees or ants than the typical social structure of the cave. mammals.

At the top of the naked mole community is a healthy queen and a relatively long body. The queen is the mother of every other individual in the kingdom, with a population that can range from a few tens to several hundred.

As long as the queen is alive, it and some of the male rats are selected as the only individuals responsible for childbirth. The queen prevents individuals remaining in the kingdom from mating through intimidation. The lives of these "civilians" are always working and not enjoying sexual pleasure.

Some rats are assigned as soldiers to protect the kingdom against enemy moles or predatory enemies. They just need to sniff very quickly to identify "family " or "foreigner".

Other mice are tasked with looking after the clean caves, digging tunnels and searching for food.

Their large front teeth are actually outside the mouth, so they can dig without eating the soil. They dig through caves in groups. The mouse who serves as the team leader will gouge out, while the rest will move the soil out of the cave and bring it to the surface. Going forward or backward is the same.

Although naked moles are almost blind , special body hairs guide them and reveal where they are going.

Even while moving in tunnels, the status of each mole individual nude in the social hierarchy is also obvious. The higher status members go the higher up the road, while the lower rank members wriggle at the bottom.

Their tunnels are only a few centimeters wide, but the entire kingdom can stretch up to 1 km. All were looking for the main source of mole rats naked - tubers scattered throughout the prairies.

One of these giant tree roots can feed the kingdom for 2-3 weeks. And although their society is hierarchically strict, all individuals are equal in the eating field.