Discover the first oxygen molecule 1,500 light years from Earth

A group of scientists discovered the first oxygen molecules in deep space in the constellation Orion region, about 1,500 light-years from Earth.

These oxygen molecules were discovered by the Herschel Observatory of the European Space Agency. Observatories use large telescopes and infrared detectors to detect common but difficult to detect things in the universe.

Picture 1 of Discover the first oxygen molecule 1,500 light years from Earth
The spectrum detected by Hershel shows that the signal has oxygen molecules

Each oxygen atom (known as an oxygen atom) is common in space, especially around big stars. However, oxygen molecules, formed by two bonded oxygen atoms and lead to about 20% of the air we breathe on Earth, have eluded astronomers until now.

"Oxygen gas was discovered in the 1770s, but until now, it took more than 230 years to be able to confirm with certainty that the oxygen molecule exists in space ," said Paul Goldsmith, NASA's Herschel project scientist at NASA. Jet lab in Pasadena, California said.

With this discovery astronomers can breathe a sigh of relief.