The new molecule can cool the Earth

Scientists have discovered a molecule in the Earth's atmosphere that can produce a cooling effect, playing an important role in addressing global warming.

That molecule can convert pollutants, such as nitrogen gas and sulfur dioxide, into compounds that lead to cloud formation to protect the Earth.

Picture 1 of The new molecule can cool the Earth
The newly discovered molecule may slow down global warming.

In the past century, the average temperature of the earth has increased by 0.8 degrees. Scientists believe that it is necessary to limit the rise to below 2 degrees Celsius in this century to prevent sea level rise. rising and other unwanted consequences. However, no effective measures have been found yet.

Researchers from the University of Manchester and Bristol (UK), and the Sandia National Laboratory (USA), discovered new molecules, called Bipolar Criegee , obtained by using light sources from the Particle accelerators are 100 million times stronger than sunlight.

Carl Percival, one of the researchers at the University of Manchester, said: 'We see the radicals can oxidize sulfur dioxide, and eventually turn into sulfuric acid, which has a known cooling effect.'

When the volcano Pinatubo in the Philippines erupted in 1991, a large amount of sulfur dioxide was emitted, forming a cloud of sulfuric acid. This reduces the amount of sunlight that reaches Earth by about 10%, and the global temperature decreases by about 0.5 ° C within two years.

However, the consequences of this measure are still not known. For example, the atmosphere contains a large amount of volcanic sulfur dioxide, which can cause lung disease, acid rain and ozone depletion to protect the Earth.