Discover the most Earth-like planet pair

A University of Washington expert (USA) has announced the discovery of a pair of planets with the most similarities with Earth thanks to the work of the Kepler telescope.

According to Science magazine, expert Eric Agol has identified the planet called Kepler-62f , a small and likely world of rocky planets orbiting a star like the sun, in the constellation Scorpio.

Picture 1 of Discover the most Earth-like planet pair
Two excellent candidates of "Second Earth" - (Photo: PHL)

It is about 1.4 times the size of Earth, receiving the most as much as half the heat and radiation as in the Earth-Sun case, and having a rotation of 267.3 days.

Meanwhile, its companion Kepler-62e is also identified in the "scope that can nurture life".

Kepler-62e is closer to the central star, so it needs to be "equipped" with thicker clouds to qualify for surface water.

It is known that Kepler-62f and Kepler-62e are the two smallest planets ever discovered lying in an area that could allow life to flourish.

Of course, there is no way to determine the status of the two planets, because they are 1,200 light-years from Earth.