Discover an earth-like planet that can have life

Scientists at Paris-based Institut Pierre Simon Laplace Institute say they have discovered a planet with nearly identical Earth conditions 20 light-years away from our solar system.

The newly discovered planet named Gliese 581 is thought to have the same basic conditions as the Earth as the presence of oceans and rain activity. Many scientists have commented that the planet Gliese 581 may have inhabitants. The sky of this planet is red and slightly dark, not green like our planet.

Picture 1 of Discover an earth-like planet that can have life

It is predicted that the gravity of planet Gliese 581 is twice as strong as Earth's gravity. However, living creatures like humans may not be able to survive here because its atmosphere contains a lot of carbon dioxide. Still, it is thought that there may be other inhabitants or life forms that exist on the surface of the planet.

This hypothesis is strengthened after a powerful computer can create extraterrestrial simulated conditions that claim that the planet Gliese 581 is truly capable of survival.

Astronomers hope that this discovery will pave the way for pretty people to search for life among outer planets.