Discovering the planet can survive life

Astronomers have just discovered a new planet in the area where life can exist like on Earth.

The team of astronomers from the University of Goettingen (Germany) and the University of Hertfordshire (England) have discovered 3 new planets orbiting the HD 40307 star about 44 light years away. Among these, a planet is located in the Goldilocks Zone - where the temperature is not too hot or too cold for water to exist in liquid form.

Picture 1 of Discovering the planet can survive life
Planet HD 40307g

The newly discovered planet, named HD 40307g , has a mass of at least 7 times more than Earth, but its distance from its parent star is similar to the distance between our planet and the Sun.

'HD 40307 is a long-standing dwarf and works very stable. This is the reason why there is a planet with Earth-like climate around this star, " said Dr Guillem Angla-Escude, head of the study.

More than 800 new planets have been discovered outside the Removable System since astronomers began searching in the early 1990s, but only a few planets discovered in the area could survive life. HD 40307g is the planet that can survive the closest life to Earth discovered so far.

"This is the closest planet to Earth in the region that can survive ," said Dr Hugh Jones, of the University of Hertfordshire. 'It has a temperature that is neither too hot nor too cold. This is one of the factors that increase the viability of life on this planet. "