Discovered a precious ancient medicine

A scientific group of Hanoi University of Pharmacy has just published the survey results and research on ancient antiquated medicinal plants.

Picture 1 of Discovered a precious ancient medicine The old giraffes were discovered on a height of 2,000m. (Photo: T. Ky) In the process of surveying and searching for scientists from Hanoi University of Pharmacy, chaired by Prof. Dr. Pham Thanh Ky, Head of Pharmacy (Hanoi University of Pharmacy), he found the tree. ancient times at altitudes above 2,000m in the northern mountainous region of our country are Cao Bang and Lao Cai. The full scientific name of the plant is Gynostemma pentaphyllum Cucurbitaceae.

Blue neck is a very rare medicine and has only been found in Japan, China and Thailand. This tree was first studied in Japan under the name of the Gospel and also in China called JIAOGULAN.

Prof. Dr. Pham Thanh Ky said: The anthracnose is used to enhance lipid metabolism to stabilize blood cholesterol levels and reduce fat effectively without excessive abstinence; stabilize blood pressure, fight thrombosis, prevent heart, vascular, brain, anti-aging complications, prevent stress, help eat well, sleep well .

This medicinal plant has been funded for research and under the state-level project KC code: studied in time (2002-2004). At the end of 2005, the ancient ginseng was used for tea production. In early June 2006, the Ministry of Health approved a research project to produce ginseng into medicine in the form of capsules. If the research results are successful within 2-3 years, the capsule form will be born.

Khanh Chi