Garlic - precious medicine

Garlic is a valuable medicinal ingredient in the pharmaceutical industry, it has countless uses but there are some notes that you have to pay attention to when using.

Pour in a ceramic bowl of 350 g of garlic, decant it about 200 g of the lower part with more garlic water and put it in a jar and add 200 g of alcohol.Cover and place in the dark for 10 days.So you have a bottle of 'god water' to drive away the blood-sucking bats.It is also a substance that kills germs, bacteria that attach to your body.The secret to the magic of garlic is that it contains an active ingredient, phytonxite.

Picture 1 of Garlic - precious medicine

Garlic has countless useful uses. Photo: Internet

The benefits of garlic cloves have long been known but many people don't like the smell.But nothing is more important than health, do you agree?Garlic can cure many diseases, from stunting to serious cardiovascular disease.

Studies show that, containing 25 to 42% of dry matter, including 6.0-7.9 protit;7.2-28 mg% vitamin C (in garlic leaves to 80 mg%) with vitamins B, D, P;0.5% sugar, 20-27% polymeric;trace elements such as sodium, potassium, calcium, manganese, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, iodine.The smell and taste of garlic is due to an essential oil (0.23-0.74%) containing acillin and other organic substances containing a group of sulfides (called phytonxites).

Top effects are antiseptic properties of garlic and so garlic acts as a medicine.Garlic is rich in unique phytonxides ( 'plant antibiotics' ), which are mostly allixin.The compound acts to kill staphyloccoca, streptococca, and this samonella forms when you destroy plant tissues like chewing a garlic.

This mechanical effect releases a special enzyme (allinaza) from the cell.The enzyme will convert the allein (precursor of active phytonite) to allixin.Allixin has the ability to inhibit protit substances - catalyzing the life activities of bacteria, limiting their reproduction rate.That is why people use garlic to cure leprosy, abdominal pain, and typhus.Not only does garlic work to kill bacteria, it also has the effect of resistance to fungi, making its spectrum more widely used than modern antibiotics.

The best garlic is fresh garlic, which contains useful substances with maximum content.After crushing garlic to make phytonxit, it will remain active for more than 10 days.Smell garlic odor from stuffy nose, sore throat, and flu .

According to popular experience, garlic cleans the throat and trachea from infection, Garlic is very useful against bronchial asthma, amnesia, facial paralysis, trembling limbs and many neurological diseases.Garlic supports when suffering from osteoarthritis, hip, gout.

Picture 2 of Garlic - precious medicine

But you should not abuse garlic too.Photo: Internet

Garlic dissolves viscous substances, cleanses the stomach, increases blood circulation, is beneficial for oral health, especially beneficial to the liver.Garlic has a good effect against pancreatic diseases, bloating, constipation, constipation in the lungs and stomach.

Not yet.Garlic is more or less detoxifying.People use garlic as spices for year-round dishes, protect their health, neutralize the impact of poor quality water and polluted air.

But do not eat more than 2-3 cloves of garlic.Especially, the effect of garlic on people with heart disease should be monitored, as it can cause heart and brain arteries spasms.It should also be remembered that garlic-containing medicines should not be used for a long time because they will harm the population of microorganisms in the stomach and cause irritation of the gastric and intestinal mucosa, can cause hemorrhoids.Also do not use garlic for pregnant women.