Scary side effects of garlic users should avoid

While there are many health benefits, garlic can also pose a serious, frightening health risk if eaten incorrectly.

According to the oriental medicine of garlic, there is a spicy taste, temperate, toxic gas, has the effect of purifying heat, detoxifying, antiseptic; damaged gas, difficult urination, bloating, fullness, sputum and lymph nodes in the lungs, disinfection .

However, if you eat garlic improperly, it will adversely affect your health.

Scary side effects of garlic

Risk of poisoning

This is probably the most serious risk you may encounter when eating garlic. When poisoning garlic, in addition to causing stomach discomfort, they can lead to death.

Picture 1 of Scary side effects of garlic users should avoid
Improper eating of garlic will adversely affect health.

Accordingly, the risk of garlic poisoning often occurs when garlic soaked in oil at room temperature or stored for too long in the refrigerator.

Side effects with prescription drugs

Garlic may interfere with some currently prescribed medications, especially with some anticoagulants used during surgery.

In addition, studies of garlic published in 2001 concluded that "eating garlic can cause some harmful side effects when combined with a drug used during HIV / AIDS treatment. ".

Therefore, when using prescription drugs, it is necessary to consult with a specialist about whether to eat garlic.


As with most other foods, some people may have allergies or intolerance to garlic. If you have a mild allergy, garlic causes heartburn, flatulence . If more severe, they can be life-threatening.

When you suspect that garlic causes allergies, consult a dermatologist or a food allergy specialist.

Skin irritation

Allicin, a compound produced when raw garlic pounding, can cause very strong skin irritation (flushing, aches, burns), especially when the skin is sensitive or in direct contact.

Irritation of the digestive system

Allicin in garlic can also cause irritation or even damage to the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, should only eat moderately, should not abuse eating a lot of raw garlic and if the digestive system is suspected of irritation, consult a doctor.

People should not eat garlic

People with eye diseases

According to medicine, eating a lot of garlic for a long time is an eye injury. So people with eye problems, poor mood, anemia, decreased vision, tinnitus, dizziness, memory loss . should not eat too much garlic.

Picture 2 of Scary side effects of garlic users should avoid
Eating lots of garlic for a long time is an eye injury.

Patients with hepatitis

Some components of garlic when in the stomach, intestines cause strong irritation, can inhibit gastric secretion affecting the digestion of food, making patients with liver disease easily nausea.

In addition, the volatile components of garlic reduce hemoglobin can lead to anemia, not conducive to the treatment of liver disease.

People with diarrhea

Because when diarrhea occurs, bacteria enter the intestinal tract. Therefore, should not eat raw garlic because it is easy to damage the intestinal mucosa, congestion, digestion and resolution of blockage, the more you stomach pain and more bowel movements.

People with kidney disease

Eating spicy foods such as garlic, hot peppers, for people with severe illness or people taking drugs, are likely to have side effects very clearly, not only can make the old disease recur, but also do giving ineffective medication, or drugs that produce continuous reactions, affect body health.